Health Blog

Pandemication Blues – people are hurting in more ways than one

I don’t know about you, but when I ask my clients what’s going on when they come into the office, I expect to hear about their back, their neck, their knee, some physical problem. But these days when I ask that question, I often get answers like, “I’ve been kind of depressed.” I’ve heard that so many times lately. Have you?

PTSD and Cranial-Sacral Therapy

Veterans that make it back home often deal with physical, mental, and emotional disorders that linger through the rest of their lives. I have personally treated veterans with PTSD successfully in my office using Cranial-Sacral Therapy (CST), gentle Myo-fascial techniques included in Direct-Indirect Technique classes, and the techniques described and practiced in the DIT class for Special Needs Clients.

16 Ways to Practice Self-Care

16 Ways to Practice Self-Care As I always tell my students (and my clients), “If you want to help others, you’ve got to take good care of yourself FIRST!” As Mel Robbins says so eloquently, “You can’t pour from an […]

The Dangers of Energy Drinks

The Dangers of Energy Drinks Why it’s best to pass up those energy drinks in the store. As fast as you can!